Düsseldorf Airport Departures A - B + C
- Daily from 06:00 to 19:30
- P: 0162/7112557
- The opening hours are subject to change daily. We recommend that you call us for more detailed information.
Price per standard luggage: 8 Euro.
The service is available from 4am to 8pm in the departure area.
The opening hours might change according to summer and winter timetable.
Contact the airport information desk in the departure area and ask for our actual location or call us directly, ph: +49 (0) 162/7112557.
We work with a mobile wrapper and change position.
According to the baggage size it takes approx. 2-3 minutes.
You might seal everything like suitcases, bags, backpacks, golf bags, bulky buggies and sport equipment
Normally the customs will check the luggage at the arrival airport where the plastic foil can be removed.
If the customs exceptionally request to open the luggage before departure we are offering the second sealing for free.
After wrapping handles, telescopic slide-outs and wheels will be laid open professionally.
That depends on the respective airport service.
The foil is very tear-resistant and without scissors it might take some time to get the luggage unpacked.
Our service improves the safety of your luggage a lot and protects it against objectionable surprises and any trouble involved.
However we recommend a personal baggage insurance against theft, loss ecc..