Düsseldorf Airport Departures A - B + C
- Daily from 06:00 to 19:30
- P: 0162/7112557
- The opening hours are subject to change daily. We recommend that you call us for more detailed information.
Safer Bag
Corona Protectionfor your luggage!
The safe way to travel – protect your luggage with durable stretch film that is 100% recyclable.
Are you flying from Düsseldorf Airport on vacation and would like to increase the safety of your luggage during your flight? We are specialized in baggage sealing and offer to pack your luggage by sealing it in a protective film to protect your luggage. Our machine-applied film will secure your luggage and protect the suitcase and its contents against dirt, viruses, moisture, tears, bursting and unauthorized access by unauthorized persons. Our packaging is also ideal for joining baggage parts together, i.e. “make 1 out of 2”, to avoid extra charges for excess baggage parts and/or to protect special baggage such as the child seat, baby carriage or golf bag including the expensive contents. In just a few minutes, we can help you to significantly improve the safety of your luggage during air travel! It will be worthwhile!